Septentrio PP-SDK

Septentrio PP-SDK

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PP-SDK (Post-Processing Software Development Kit) is a professional software development kit that includes all the necessary tools allowing you to incorporate post-processing functionality into your own applications and products, compatible with common programming languages such as C/C++/C#. 

Key features

  • API: an Application Programming Interface enables the creation of applications to preprocess SBF input files, control the PVT calculation with commands similar to receiver commands and analyze the resulting output SBF files

  • Post Processing Engine: the core engine that performs the actual standalone, SBAS and RTK PVT solutions using GPS/GLONASS data

  • RINEX Module: converts RINEX 2.1 & RINEX 3.0 observation and navigation files to SBF, supports GPS, GLONASS and SBAS geostationary satellites

  • SBF Stream: a rich set of functions is provided to merge, process or condition Septentrio Binary Files (SBF) files for PVT calculation

  • PostNav: a graphical application for easy interaction with post processing functionality

  • Libraries: both dynamic and static libraries are provided

  • Sample applications to demonstrate key features of the PP-SDK for quick and easy integration 


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